Disaster Communication Plan
Jan 09, 2025Updated 1/9/2025 For information about Florida Auxiliary Communication (AuxComm) training visit https://floridaemergency.net.
For more information on Disaster Relief preparedness, visit www.reach.mba/dr
In the event of a power / phone outage, we will switch to amateur (Ham) radio communication. I will be monitoring SAR Net [444.025000/+5.000/123.0], MERT [145.330000/-0.600/123.0], and Skywarn [146.610000/-0.600/123.0] during any communication outage.
Anyone, even without an FCC license can make an emergency call on Amateur radio when life or property is in danger and no other form of communication is available. Handheld Ham radios are available through online sources for less than $20. Under normal conditions, it is ok to listen, but not to transmit on these frequencies without an FCC license.
In the event of a storm or other disaster, we want to hear from each church to find out:
1. Did the church facilities suffer any damage that may require outside help to repair?
2. Are the church facilities a suitable location to support disaster relief efforts?
3. Do you have people in your church family who need help?
4. Do you have people in your church family who would like to help others?
Will usually send out an email asking for this information. However, in the event of a power and/or internet outage, we will rely on amateur radio to get in contact with someone from each church. Therefore, we would like to have at least 1 amateur radio contact in each church. Please have your Ham radio operators register their information with us by filing out the form above. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.
Mark Weible, AMS
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