What is Obedience-Based Discipleship?
May 16, 2023Church Planting Movements (CPMs) are movements of God where churches multiply rapidly - reaching to four generations in less than two years. Reports are coming in from all over the world where Christian churches are seeing rapid multiplication. Multiplication of churches stems from the multiplication of leaders, which comes from the multiplication of disciples. We see this occurring in the New Testament and in various parts of the world today.
There are many common characteristics of church planting movements and they have been well documented. However, one characteristic that appears to be common in areas where there is rapid church multiplication is obedience-based discipleship.
Obedience-based discipleship is a method of discipleship that focuses on teaching people to obey the Bible, rather than simply teaching them Bible content. This approach is based on the belief that true discipleship is not just knowing about Jesus, but following Him in every area of our lives.
Obedience-based discipleship often results in the multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded us not only to make disciples, but we are to be about "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). When we move from knowledge-based discipleship to obedience-based discipleship, we begin to see the 30, 60, 100 fold kind of fruit that Jesus talked about in Mark 4:20.
If you are interested in learning more about obedience-based discipleship and church multiplication, sign up for our free online course, "Become a Multiplying Church Leader" and see for yourself at:
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